Specs at a glance
Spectral coverage
150-3425 cm-1 (532 nm)
Field of application
The Raman Rxn5 process analyzer is an industry-leading, turn-key, laser-based analyzer powered by Kaiser Raman technology. It provides quantitative chemical composition measurements using Raman spectroscopy. The design of the Raman Rxn5 incorporates customer requirements for serviceability and hazard-area certification, provides a compact footprint, and minimizes utilities consumption. The high optical efficiency of the analyzer makes it ideal for typical gas-phase sample measurements.
Process measurement points:
Steam methane reformers
Gasifiers (coal, petcoke, waste, biomass)
Shift converters
CO2 removal
Finished product synthesis loops
Typical industries:
Hydrogen production/purity, HyCO, Hydrogen recycle,
Methanol production
Ammonia production
Gas turbine fuel feed
Synthetic natural gal/IGCC power plants
LNG baseload customer transfer, LNG rundown to storage tanks, LNG mixed refrigerant optimization
Non-destructive analysis of gases, including homonuclear diatomics (H2, N2, O2)
Compact, smaller than most wall-mount gas chromatographs (GCs)
Can replace up to four traditional analyzers with a single base unit and four probes
Rugged with minimal utility requirements, no sample transport, and no consumables (columns, valves, gases, pumps)
Minimal analyzer technician time with maximum technician safety (no toxic gases are transported to the analyzer)
Measures four streams simultaneously for faster multi-channel results
-20 to +50 °C operating environment