Specs at a glance
Spectral intensity reference
NIST SRM glass
Field of application
The Raman Calibration Tool (RCT) offers laboratory quality calibration in a field-capable tool, providing high accuracy critical for quantitative analysis. Coupled with wavelength (x-axis) and laser calibrations that are integrated into Raman analyzers, the Raman Calibration Tool provides the highest level of accuracy for even the most demanding Raman measurements. Used routinely, the RCT protocol facilitates calibration transfer between laboratory instruments and on-line process analyzers.
LNG truck loading
LNG rundown to storage tanks
Robust calibration protocol
Excellent system accuracy and unparalleled instrument precision
Minimal technical support required
Incorporates NIST Standard Reference Material (SRM); Compatible with ASTM E2911
Facilitates easy calibration transfer
Chemical methods and models instrument-independent
Simple wizard-based protocol