ASi-5/ASi-3 CIP Safety™ over EtherNet/IP™ + ModbusTCP Gateway with integrated ASi-5/ASi-3 Safety Monitor, 2 ASi-5/ASi-3 masters, OPC UA server, REST API, integrated decoupling, max. 4 A per ASi circuit, ASi current measurement in the gateway, expandable to max. 62 x 2 channels safe inputs, 1922 x 2 channels safe inputs in max. configuration, expandable to max. 64 safe outputs, 1984 safe outputs in max. configuration, CIP Safety via EtherNet/IP and Safe Link, diagnostic and configuration via Ethernet/IP + Modbus TCP or Ethernet diagnostic interface, duplicate address recognition, ASi fault detector, programming in C optional, IP20
ASi-5/ASi-3 CIP Safety™ over EtherNet/IP™ + ModbusTCP Gateway with integrated ASi-5/ASi-3 Safety Monitor, 2 ASi-5/ASi-3 masters
- ASi-5 – Great data bandwidth, short cycle times
- PLC Independent Safety Technology
- Safe Link
- OPC UA interface and REST API for IIoT applications
- Integrated web server for simple diagnostics and maintenance